Prepare the Way

In Matthew 3 we see John the Baptist preaching the word, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” He was considered the one Isaiah spoke about when he prophesied a voice crying in the wilderness “Prepare the way of the Lord”.

How are we, as Christians, to also prepare the way of the Lord? I believe this is speaking to how we are to share the gospel with others. It’s easy to do all the things that check the boxes of Christianity like read the Bible, pray, go to church, but the difficult part is the prep work required for us to be the salt and light of the world. (Matthew 5:13-16)

Salt is a preservative. How am I preserving the gospel message on a daily basis? Not only preaching it to myself, but also preaching it to those around me? John the Baptist “prepared the way of the Lord” by telling everyone and anyone who would listen to repent! 

We are to be the light. Light illuminates the darkness yet also helps show the way. We are called to “go and make disciples”. This is the great commission. The Bible does not tell us to sit in our cozy homes and just pray for people. Beautiful are the feet of those that bring good news. (Isaiah 52:7)

How are you preparing the way of the Lord today, tomorrow, and this week?

Clean Your Lens with the Gospel

We go about our lives mostly on autopilot. Life consumes us. Life beats us down. We often become tired, annoyed, restless, anxious, and even depressed when we do not view life through the lens that God has desired for us. Somehow our lens has gotten foggy and distorted with images of self, desire, pride, people-pleasing, control, and any other world-view that eagerly fights for a spot on that lens. How do we wipe away that lens so we can see clearly? The gospel.

Why is the gospel message so important?

It is our hope, our redemption, our purpose, our lens cleaner.

Get to know the gospel. Memorize it. Preach it to yourself. Share it with others… often!


God created the world – He created you and me too! As Creator, He is in charge of everything and everyone. He made us to be holy, as He is holy. Sin entered the world through Adam and Even with the deception of Satan. The sin is now in every human and is our nature. Sin separates us from God and deserves ultimate punishment – death. Jesus, God in the flesh, came to earth and lived a perfect life that we should have, a holy life, died the death that we deserved due to our sin, and rose again to eternal life. We may have reconciliation to God and eternal life with Him through hearing the Father’s call and giving our life to Jesus by putting our entire trust, faith, and hope in Him as our Lord and Savior. This means being obedient to His commands as seen in His Word, the Bible, and trusting His will and plan for our life over our own.


  • God is the Creator
  • God is holy
  • Sin separated us
  • God is a just God
  • God is a loving God
  • Jesus is the way
  • We must repent
  • God gave mercy and grace
  • We must have faith
  • Christians gain eternal life with Jesus


God is the Creator
See Genesis 1:1, John 1:3, Colossians 1:16, and Revelation 4:11.
He created everything, the world and people, to be perfect and without sin.

God is Holy 
See 1 Peter 1:16, 1 Samuel 2:2, and Revelation 4:8.
God is holy, which means set apart or without sin. He created us to be holy, too.
We can only be with God if we are holy like He is.

Sin Separated Us
See Romans 5:12-14, Isaiah 59:2, and Romans 3:23.
Sin entered the world through Adam and was passed down to us. Apart from Christ, sin is now our nature and manifests in our selfish desires and motives. This makes us unholy and separates us from God.

God is a Just God 
See Romans 6:23, Romans 5:12, and James 1:15.
The consequence of our unholy sin nature is death.

God is a Loving God
See John 3:16, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8, and 1 John 4:8.
God loves us so much that He sent Jesus to pay the price for us by dying on the cross.

Jesus is the Way 
See 1 Peter 2:22, Matthew 14:33, 2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, and John 14:6.
Jesus, fully God and fully man, is God’s only Son who lived a perfect life, died on the cross for our sins, and rose again. He is the only way to salvation.

We must Repent
See 1 John 1:9, Acts 3:19, and Ephesians 1:7.
We are to ask for forgiveness and turn away from sin and toward Jesus.

God Gave us Mercy and Grace 
See Ephesians 2:4-9, 1 Peter 1:3, 2 Chronicles 30:9b, and Daniel 9:9
God gives us mercy and grace. Mercy is not getting what we deserve, punishment in hell. Grace is getting something we don’t deserve, treasures in heaven.

We must have Faith  
See Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 10:9-10, and Romans 10:17.
We are to give our lives fully to Jesus and trust only in Him for our salvation.

Christians Gain Eternal Life with Jesus
See Revelations 21:4, Luke 23:43, Matthew 6:19-21, John 14:2, and Ephesians 2:6-7.
We will live forever in Heaven with Jesus in our resurrected, perfect bodies where there is no more pain and there is only perfect harmony with Jesus.

Do you really know the Gospel message?

God created everything. He created this earth and everything in it, including you and me. He created us in his image meaning we are smart, we are willful, we have emotions, and we have an internal compass that helps us intuitively know right from wrong even if we were never taught these things. God created us to be holy too, because He is holy. Holy means to be set apart, to be pure. We once were fully 100% holy and pure. But remember, God made us willful and smart in his image. Even though he created us, we somehow decided we knew better. We were deceived into thinking we could control our lives without God; that we were right, and his commands to us on how were were to live our lives were optional, so we did our own thing. We went left, when God clearly asked us to go right. 

That one decision to live outside of God’s will (the rules he set for us) caused us to no longer be pure. We were now on our own. No longer able to be with God. We willfully separated ourselves from God in a selfish act of desiring to be our own master, our own god. Through this departure from God brought massive consequences of sin. No longer were were following the righteous will of God, but the sinful will of our own flesh. Sin became the outpouring of who we are. Sin, while often thought of as an act, is the essence of who we ARE. Sin is our state of being. Sin means we are no longer holy, we are separated from God, on our own, living for ourselves 100% of the time. 

This sin state of being has horrendous ramifications. It manifests itself in different ways for different people. For some, sin shows in big ways that we all know and hate such as murder, rape, and grand theft. However, for the majority of us it manifests in small ways, such as white lies to get out of a parking ticket, stealing office supplies from our work, “borrowing” music and movies illegally on the Internet, cheating just a bit, or a lot on our taxes, making false insurance claims to get a better outcome, gossiping about a friend to make ourselves look better, all in an effort to live a life that seems to be free but is full of bondage. Sin is a lifestyle marked by self-serving behavior. Again, sis not an act, but it is who we are. It is the very fiber of our being.

If you were to vote for a new judge for the Supreme Court Justice, I would bet you would not vote for one who uses the slogan, “Vote for me, All go free!” That would defeat the purpose of a judge. We want the most impartial judge. Our souls still cry for justice when we, or a fellow human being are wronged. God is the ultimate Judge. He created you, He created me. Because He created us all, that means He has ultimate ownership, authorship, and He can do what he likes with us regardless of what we think because that is fair. When I create art, a meal, a child, I am in charge. I am the authority over that creation. I decide where it goes, what it does, and how it moves forward. I am in an authoritative position over anything I create (within moral reason with a child, but I hope you get where I am going here). 

It is the same right of God. If you agree that God is the Creator of this world, including you and me, then we must agree that God has an authoritative right over all of His creation. Ultimately that is why sin is considered, by the vast majority, to be a bad thing. It must be punished. Sinful acts are an outpouring of our sin nature. Our desire to be in charge and our desire to do what we want rather than what God, our Creator has asked us to do, deserves punishment. We do not deserve a get-out-of-jail-free card simply because we are “pretty good”. He is holy, yet we are no longer holy. We cannot be in the presence of God without judgement. There needs to be a reconciliation in order for us to be right before God again. A created thing that goes rogue, deserves to be found and put down. We deserve death, which would be our jail sentence. That is what Hell is all about. Hell is our prison cell. We get a glimpse of what it is in the Bible, and believe me, you do not want to go there. Just a few descriptive words about it are enough to make your skin crawl: eternal damnation, weeping, gnashing of teeth, eternal fire, unquenchable thirst. This jail cell is where we are all headed for eternity because of our separation from God. 

Here is where the reality of our state gets wildly interesting and almost too incredible for words. God is love. He is not just loving, He does not just love us, but he IS love. He is the very source of love. He knows we are weak. He knows we need Him. He knows our flesh is strong. He stepped in and did the one thing we could never do. He came down to live among us perfectly. He sent his only Son, Jesus, God in the flesh, to live a perfect life. Something none of us could ever do. He lived literally a perfect, sinless life. He was our proxy. Then, in an inconceivable act of mercy and grace, He died the very death each and every one of us deserve to die. He was guiltless. He lived the life we never could only to die the death each of us should. Death on a cross. A horrendously humiliating, excruciatingly painful and draw-out death. He reconciled my life, He reconciled your life to God through His death. He paid our penalty. He satisfied the Judge. He stepped in for us!

As if that were not enough, Jesus came back to life. He defeated death. He defied nature. He is a living proof of what we get to experience some day. It almost seems too good to be true! It seems like a great fairy tail. But it is real. The veracity of the Bible, the actual life, death, AND resurrection of the man Jesus has been documented and proven even by those outside of the Christian faith! So why are there millions upon millions of people who still don’t believe and may never give their live to Christ? Our sin nature is so deeply rooted and woven into the fiber of our souls that we want it not to be true. God still gives us a choice. He still gives us our will. Our will wants to satisfy ourself. Our soul cannot and will not bow to another. The throne room of our hearts already has someone firmly seated on it’s seat: ourself. There is hope, however!

God calls His children. One by one, His Holy Spirit convinces and convicts us of our sin, of our need for holiness and righteousness, and He presses on our heart the very heavy burden of our sin and need for judgement. The Holy Spirit works in us, quickening our heart to desire after God’s heart. He shows us the reality of our sin and the glory and splendor of what it means to be free of that burden. The simple yet profound act of placing our life in the hands of the Almighty God becomes a 180 degree shift from self to God. We must turn from our idol of self and turn to a life where Jesus is the only One able to sit on the throne of our heart. We must raise the white flag, admit that we were wrong, seek forgiveness from our sin, and admit that ownership is not ours, but our Creators. We must trust fully in Jesus. We must follow hard after Him knowing others will despise us. As a follower of Jesus, we now recognize the futility of living for our “self” and realize the beauty of a grace and mercy-filled life of living for God. 

Friend, if you are on the wrong side of this, I implore you, by the mercy of God, to get reconciled to God. Place your trust and faith in Him alone. Turn away from your sin and yourself and turn to God. The peace and love and mercy and grace will wrap around your heart and give you courage and strength to follow hard after Him. There is no magic prayer. There is no “ticket to Heaven” only to go back to a self-serving life. If you have raised the white flag, read the Bible. That is how God speaks to us. Pray all the time, talk to God, ask for Him to forgive you of your sin. Ask Him to give you faith and wisdom to do His will. Share with others what you have found!

Saturday Scriptures

God's CreationIn light of the fact that God is the Almighty Creator of this universe (Genesis 1:1); the one who made us (Genesis 2:7), then we must admit that He is ultimately in charge of us. He created us to have a relationship with him and it was perfect. He is Holy, meaning he is set apart from anything or anyone on this planet. Because he is holy he desired for us to be holy too (1 Peter 1:16 and Leviticus 11:44). He says, “Be Holy, for I am holy.” Unfortunately, because we have a choice in how we respond to God, sin entered the world because people wanted to use their freedom in a selfish way (Genesis 3). They decided to do things their way rather than obey and follow God. Their choice in favor of sin rather than obedience to God caused them to be separated from God. We are now born into that sin and no longer have a perfect holy relationship with God. He is also Just. By this he must be the perfect judge. He cannot merely overlook this sin because it goes against everything that he is. He requires justice and he promises that he will punish sin (Isaiah 66:15 and 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9). The wages of sin is death and complete separation from God (Romans 6:23). I’ll say it again, we have no option other than complete separation from a holy God (Isaiah 59:2). Your payment for your sin will be required and that is what Hell is all about. By the grace of God, however, he has provided a solution. Thankfully, God is Love (1 John 4:8). He is the purest form of it. He came up with a perfect solution to the sin problem. This solution is a love so crushing that when you think about it, no human would ever do what he did. This loving, good news is that he sent his only Son, Jesus Christ, God in living human form (Colossians 1:15), to pay, in-full, the price of your sin by becoming the ultimate sacrifice (John 3:16). He died in the most brutal way possible, death by the Roman cross. He lived the life we could never live. A perfect life (2 Corinthians 5:21). He died a death that we fully deserved (1 Peter 3:18) yet he conquered that death by raising again from the dead to prove to the world that only through him could this debt be paid (1 Thessalonians 4:14). Because we still have a choice, it is up to God and you to accept the free gift of grace he is so lovingly giving to you (Romans 10:9-13, Acts 20:21). Living a good life, being kind to others, doing good deeds, and giving to charity will not get you into Heaven, it is only by the grace of God (Ephesians 2:8-9). The only way to Heaven is through Jesus Christ (John 14:6). You must turn from your sin and trust in Christ (1 John 1:9 and Acts 3:19). Give your life completely to God and have faith in Him (Philippians 3:9). Ask him to forgive you of your sins and ask God to take control of your life (1 Thessalonians 1:9). Thank the Lord that he is Holy, Just, and Loving.

Maranatha! (Come, Lord Jesus!)

Thursday Theology at its Best ~ Dr. Mike Fabarez on “The Harsh but Good News”

“Many in modern Christianity have opted for a kinder and gentler version of the gospel message. This may be well-intentioned, but unfortunately it is a disastrous mistake that can cause irreparable harm to those who we seek to “win” for Christ. John the Baptist certainly didn’t attempt to soften the gospel. His bold and forthright approach may seem out of place in our “don’t-hurt-anybody’s-feelings culture,” but Jesus hailed him and his ministry as the greatest ever.” – Pastor Mike Fabarez

Title Passage Date
Why “As You Are” Can’t Stay That Way (Part 1) Luke 3:1-6 January 27, 2013
Being Sure to Move from Creeds to Deeds (Part 2) Luke 3:7-14 February 03, 2013
The Gospel’s Assault on the Egocentric (Part 3) Luke 3:15-16, 22-23 February 17, 2013
Loving Enough to Tell the Truth about Hell (Part 4) Luke 3:17-20 February 24, 2013

For more encouraging sermons go to Compass Bible Church or Focal Point Ministries.