Pick Up Your Cross

Matthew 16:24-26 tells us to deny ourselves, pick up our cross, and follow Jesus. I was recently asked in a group study “What practical ways can you “deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Jesus” in your life today?”

This is tough because this question often falls back on how we may have culturally read this verse. Something along the lines of being less selfish and consider what things you might sacrifice. Some people may even associate it with giving up pleasures or vices.

We always need to remember to read scripture first in its original context. The phrase “pick up your cross” in todays language might read something like “pick up your electric chair”.

The cross was a symbol of death – more specifically death row. So when the readers of that time read this sentence it had a much heavier weight.

Basically if you are to follow Christ, you are willingly going on death row. You are saying you are no longer your own. You die so Christ can live in you. “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.”

Be blessed today as you meditate on what it means for you to personally pick up your cross and follow Jesus!

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